Thursday 30 August 2012

she said beauty august box - review what i got

Now then, I do realise that this post is way overdue and should be here weeks ago just like my she said beauty box! The reason for this late post is the fact that:
a)      Haven’t had that much time
b)     I was slightly disappointed with the box.
Here is what I received:
1)      711 Original Eau de Cologne
 – this will always and forever remind me of my dad, I have no idea why I have it in my box as this is purely product for men! My dad uses it and all of my german male friends does.
2)      32 Nail Foils for Finger or Toe Nails.
 – i am so much not  into stuff like that, and the print on them is very much not my thing – I have purple animal print ones. Tried to get rid of them but no one wants them. Sorry ;/
3)      Rose Otto Intensive Lip Salve
I have tons of stuff like that, I use them two max three times and then I tend to forget about them etc. but this is not an issue here.... I have an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients. Every time I use it my throat gets very irritated and then I’m developing some kind of a weird cough. I will not be using it again, sorz :C
4)      Color Extend Radiant-10 is Redken
 – I simply <3 this product. I have no idea if the current condition of my hair is the fact that I’m using expensive shampoos and conditioners + tangle brush, or is it because this product is super cool and it seems that it is the mix of all! My hair are super soft, smells gorgeous and I can’t remember when was the last time I had such an amazing hair product. Will be definitely buying this again!

- great product, was thinking about buying stuff like that for the past few months, already got oil control tissues like that but without powder on them. Tried them few times, this is already on my shopping list, refreshes your skin super fast and makes it look like you have just applied your make up!

6)   White Glo toothpaste
yes, this is a toothpaste that was meant to be for actors and models. I have been using this for over a week now and can see that my teeth got 2 shades whiter. My teeth are always white whenever I use toothpaste like this or not. Lately I had small problem as I had infection near my tooth, sorted this out using loads of different toothpastes that where meant to heal not to make my teeth white so I don’t know if this is cos of this toothpaste or is it because I stopped using other toothpastes. I think I can get the same result using colgate toothpastes etc.

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