Tuesday 21 August 2012

benefit eyebrows brow zings

As a girl that loves looking little bit different, in an original way, I was always little bit worried about my eyebrows, to me they are not ideal, I always wished that one day, they would be more full, even and in a perfect shape. I tried everything, from going to professional eyebrow shaper to buying pricey products.
Weeks ago I bought henna in a tube for lashes and eyebrows. Now some people think that the brighter hair you have the lighter eyebrows you should have but to me it doesn’t look good when you have almost invisible eyebrows. Eyebrows are they way you are expressing your emotions and feelings, and as a typical Gemini, I have a strong character that likes to be noticed.

Long story short, used henna, was happy with it when I used it first time...and thats about it, it didn’t made a mircle with my eyebrows. Yes, they became darker but not as much as I would like to, using good eyebrow pencil drives me crazy because lines on your eyebrows are too easy to notice and don’t look natural at all. Then finally I came across this, magical product by benefit.

Benefit Brow Zings does the magic. First time I spotted this on my tweeter feed, when one for the followers has been retweeted by benefit showing how did she manage creating perfect brows from literally nothing! Quickly purchased this for myself and here are the results.

Packaging – product comes in lovely box with that vintage touch plus funky and catchy wordings which is once again, a great price of art of benefit’s marketing team. Actual product comes in black plastic case which is of a size of a small mp3 player, will fit every purse – always!

Inside you can find: eyebrow natural wax, eyebrow powder in light shade, two brushes, one soft other one hard to maintain your brows and little but very powerful tweezers and mirror so you can fix them wherever you are.
Plus little lesson how to make your eyebrows look perfect every time using this product. I fell in love with is from the first use. My eyebrows looks fuller, and more even plus it is sooooo easy to use that there is literally no way of making your eyebrows look bad.

Here is how I’m maintaining them.

Wax them – with a harder brush apply wax along the eyebrow giving it the shape you want higher to the eyebrow line the higher the eyebrow will look, don’t worry if you will make a mass it is really easy to sort this out. As you can see I can be bothered to make it look perfect with wax but that is not a problem at all.
Powder them – apply powder with softer brush to make them look darker and seal the shape you want.
Puck them -  any unwanted hair can be pulled out easily.
Shape them –  if you have been in rush and messy with application of this, calm down use your fingers, to sort out the mess and give your eyebrows the final touch – you will not be disappointed!

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