Thursday 30 August 2012

she said beauty august box - review what i got

Now then, I do realise that this post is way overdue and should be here weeks ago just like my she said beauty box! The reason for this late post is the fact that:
a)      Haven’t had that much time
b)     I was slightly disappointed with the box.
Here is what I received:
1)      711 Original Eau de Cologne
 – this will always and forever remind me of my dad, I have no idea why I have it in my box as this is purely product for men! My dad uses it and all of my german male friends does.
2)      32 Nail Foils for Finger or Toe Nails.
 – i am so much not  into stuff like that, and the print on them is very much not my thing – I have purple animal print ones. Tried to get rid of them but no one wants them. Sorry ;/
3)      Rose Otto Intensive Lip Salve
I have tons of stuff like that, I use them two max three times and then I tend to forget about them etc. but this is not an issue here.... I have an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients. Every time I use it my throat gets very irritated and then I’m developing some kind of a weird cough. I will not be using it again, sorz :C
4)      Color Extend Radiant-10 is Redken
 – I simply <3 this product. I have no idea if the current condition of my hair is the fact that I’m using expensive shampoos and conditioners + tangle brush, or is it because this product is super cool and it seems that it is the mix of all! My hair are super soft, smells gorgeous and I can’t remember when was the last time I had such an amazing hair product. Will be definitely buying this again!

- great product, was thinking about buying stuff like that for the past few months, already got oil control tissues like that but without powder on them. Tried them few times, this is already on my shopping list, refreshes your skin super fast and makes it look like you have just applied your make up!

6)   White Glo toothpaste
yes, this is a toothpaste that was meant to be for actors and models. I have been using this for over a week now and can see that my teeth got 2 shades whiter. My teeth are always white whenever I use toothpaste like this or not. Lately I had small problem as I had infection near my tooth, sorted this out using loads of different toothpastes that where meant to heal not to make my teeth white so I don’t know if this is cos of this toothpaste or is it because I stopped using other toothpastes. I think I can get the same result using colgate toothpastes etc.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Rimmel Stay Matte pressed powder

Another guilty pleasure from Rimmel. See, this is what happens when I’m waiting for my bus and have too much of a spare time, which is usually about 5 minutes lol. Bought that as I have a massive problem with my skin, it is extremely oily. Now you can say it is due to the lack ok moisture in my skin but this is not true. When I’m using facial moisturisers it gets even me. After 5 minutes of using moisturiser my face shines and is extremely oily. I have loads of creams for my type of skin from cheap ones to expensive ones – non of them seem to do the trick.

Weeks ago I read about powders that are helping you regulate the production of sebum in your skin, and because I feel little bit more confident when after applying thin layer of foundation I put little bit of that powder I decided to try this one.
Rimmer is available everywhere from tesco to boots and it is reasonably cheap. Saw that one and decided to try it. Now excuse how it looks but I have been testing it for more than a month and here is what I have noticed about it.

this is how much i have used it after 2 months - i use it 5 day a week a thin layer to give a matte finish to my skin.
Packaging – I really hope that this one that I have is the “damaged” one because im struggling to securely close it after every use. Packaging itself doesn’t look mind blowing but does it trick. I’m almost pretty sure that it wouldn’t survive in my handbag during the night out...

Coverage – this one gives you light coverage and makes your skin looks matte. Yes, it really does it, but you have to apply quite a lot of it because you may not see any difference on your skin when applying first time.

How long it lasts – well, there is a tricky part. It depends from 1- your skin, 2 – from the product you are using before applying this at the end. When I use products such as chanel lumiere or oil – free Clinique then it does the trick and last quite long, when I’m using it with max factor satin finish foundation or l’oreal – it doesn’t do the trick and my face shines. Also the same can be spotted when I’m using moisturising creams on my face before application of any makeup product....

Would I recommend it?, I would say yes, this is a cheap product I think I paid 3£-4£ for brand new one, you simply pay for brand name not for the accessories that you would think will be coming with this product, there is no mirror or sponge to apply it so if you have spare sponge or kabuki brush – well done, if not then you are in trouble!

Will I be buying it again, maybe but I’m not in rush at the moment, may reconsider after using it all.
Are you using it?

What where your thoughts about this product?

Thursday 23 August 2012

Almay pure blends.

I came across this one when I was looking for face shimmer,to be more precise I was looking for something that would bright up my face,especially cheekbones area. Came across this one, read few reviews on internetand thought I must have it.

Packaging – 
first look, the product look suuuper cute. It comes in small pink box with white lid which makes it look really nice and secure. Inside, when you take the lid of the box there is a cap that secures the holes so nothing can get out of the box unless you want it.

 Plus – which I think is a massive bonus, is that tiny fluffy sponge, not the best quality but does the trick and looks also very nice.

Coverage – this is not a product that will cover your blemishes or will make your skin look extremely perfect. This product simply highlights your skin as it does contain tiny sparkles that look gorgeous on your cheekbones. The amount of that sparkle in this product is just right, you can surely use it every day, whenever you go to work or to meet up with your mates it will always do the trick.

How long it lasts 
– from this what I have notices it will stay there as long as you won’t mess with your make up, so if you will be using blotting papers with powder or other make up refreshers it may get off your skin, but I still wouldn’t complain as this only cost £3 and still does the trick.
Would I recommend it? – Surely, I’m in love with this product. I use it at the very end to give my cheekbones that tiny spark. If you are looking for powder that will gently highlight your face – this is a product for you.
What do you think of it? Any tricks on how and where it can be used? 

Tuesday 21 August 2012

benefit eyebrows brow zings

As a girl that loves looking little bit different, in an original way, I was always little bit worried about my eyebrows, to me they are not ideal, I always wished that one day, they would be more full, even and in a perfect shape. I tried everything, from going to professional eyebrow shaper to buying pricey products.
Weeks ago I bought henna in a tube for lashes and eyebrows. Now some people think that the brighter hair you have the lighter eyebrows you should have but to me it doesn’t look good when you have almost invisible eyebrows. Eyebrows are they way you are expressing your emotions and feelings, and as a typical Gemini, I have a strong character that likes to be noticed.

Long story short, used henna, was happy with it when I used it first time...and thats about it, it didn’t made a mircle with my eyebrows. Yes, they became darker but not as much as I would like to, using good eyebrow pencil drives me crazy because lines on your eyebrows are too easy to notice and don’t look natural at all. Then finally I came across this, magical product by benefit.

Benefit Brow Zings does the magic. First time I spotted this on my tweeter feed, when one for the followers has been retweeted by benefit showing how did she manage creating perfect brows from literally nothing! Quickly purchased this for myself and here are the results.

Packaging – product comes in lovely box with that vintage touch plus funky and catchy wordings which is once again, a great price of art of benefit’s marketing team. Actual product comes in black plastic case which is of a size of a small mp3 player, will fit every purse – always!

Inside you can find: eyebrow natural wax, eyebrow powder in light shade, two brushes, one soft other one hard to maintain your brows and little but very powerful tweezers and mirror so you can fix them wherever you are.
Plus little lesson how to make your eyebrows look perfect every time using this product. I fell in love with is from the first use. My eyebrows looks fuller, and more even plus it is sooooo easy to use that there is literally no way of making your eyebrows look bad.

Here is how I’m maintaining them.

Wax them – with a harder brush apply wax along the eyebrow giving it the shape you want higher to the eyebrow line the higher the eyebrow will look, don’t worry if you will make a mass it is really easy to sort this out. As you can see I can be bothered to make it look perfect with wax but that is not a problem at all.
Powder them – apply powder with softer brush to make them look darker and seal the shape you want.
Puck them -  any unwanted hair can be pulled out easily.
Shape them –  if you have been in rush and messy with application of this, calm down use your fingers, to sort out the mess and give your eyebrows the final touch – you will not be disappointed!

glossybox storage, makeup storage DIY

ok, i was subscribed to glossy box months ago only for three months then decided to unsubscribe as wasn't impressed with this what they had to offer. the one and only undeniable thing about glossybox are the actual boxes which are lovely. So lovely that i decided to make a make up storage from them. here is what i did, step by step.
First, here is what you will need:

  • three glossy boxes with lids
  • glue - the one that glues cardboard boxes but to be honest any glue will do.
  • ribbon
  • knife or scissors

take one of the lids to use is as a side for your chest of draws.
cut one of the corners right where it is folded.

like that.

use glue to...

glue it along the side where it can be folded
like this, it will give you nice finish without the need of using extra material to cover the rough edges.
leave it for 10-15minutes for glue to dry...
take the ribbon

glue it

fold it

cut the rest of the material off

another option
stick it to the side of your box

just like this.
and it is ready

have fun :)

Monday 20 August 2012

Loreal lumi magique

Loreal lumi magique

Bought this after I received free sample from l’oreal and because I was using more than 2 years this
Max factor second skin foundation I decided that I will try something new that might be even better
than MF.

Sample was great lasted all day even tho my skin was getting more oily just after 2 hours after its
application which doesn’t happen when I use MF.... either way my skin was looking more bright and
has a nice, smooth coverage.

Bought full brand new size for just 7£ used it few times and I decided that sample was working
better for me than the actual full size product, I have no idea why. Maybe because it was sample
which was a better quality than the actual product, but is this possible?

Anyway, foundation is very light and watery – which can mean two things – one you can use small
amount to cover your face, two you need loads of pumps to finally say any effect- sad but true.

If you have oily/very oily skin – don’t buy it! It is not the product fault, I blame the SPF filter inside of
it that contains something that speeds up the production of the oil in your skin – not cool at all.

Had a very similar problem with BB cream sample my skin was looking horrible is a new time record
– just under 30 minutes!!

Overall – if you have normal to dry skin by all means buy it – it really does lights up your face giving
it this glow even thou this product doesn;t contain any kind of glitter of shimmering bit in it!! But if
you have a combination to oily skin invest your money in other products ;/
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