Friday 7 September 2012

She Said Beauty September box - review what i got

The one of the many good things about SheSaidBeauty is the fact that this beauty box is cheap to subscribe to and you get your box at the beginning the month rather than at the end of it.

The box came, made me happier than ever and most certainly, happier than the previous box. Here is what I got:

Ginvera Green Tea Marvel Gel I am always more than happy to try exfoliating products, I love having silky soft skin after having a bath or a shower. I definitely give it a go :)

COLLECTION Primed & Ready Smoothing Make-up PrimerI was very sceptical at first when I saw this product. I have been looking for a perfect make up base since few months now. My RMK primer is gone, tried  Maybelline Make Up Primer – but is horrendous, tried Body Shop Matte Primer but I don’t think it’s for me. In next note I will show you results of this skin Primer :)
COLLECTION Fix Me Up Long Lasting Make-up Fixeryes!! I wanted to buy one myself very happy with this, will test it and post results on my blog very shortly.

DHC Deep Cleansing OilI haven’t tried it yet but will give it a go. Normally I would not buy make up removal that is an Oil but thanks to SheSaidBeauty I will try it. Maybe it will be better than my previous make up removals, we will see.

AMIE SPRING CLEAN Cooling Clay Mask I am currently in love with all the masks that are in the beauty boxes, will give it a go especially during long warm baths : )
PopChipsoh well, meant to take the picture...but it was sooo YUMMY that my mouth was faster than a camera, on top of that my boyfriend was sitting next to me know.....i had to share them, what you are forced to do when you are in love? Haha

Overall, I am very happy with this month’s box, it seems that these beauty box us getting better and better, money well spent again :)  

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