Sunday 16 September 2012

Benefit they are real mascara review

Benefit they are real.
I have been using MaxFactor mascaras for years now, still got four unopened mascaras in my beauty chest. I heard loads of good about this mascara hence why I decided to try it.
I purchased mine from internet brand new in box and so and so... here is how this product works for me.

Packaging – I love benefit’s packaging, like I have mentioned before, this vintage printing and easy to catch slogans are perfect, mascara comes in nice box with short lesson how to do your eyelashes and what to expect from this product. 

Let’s put aside the packaging – the most important things are the brush and the mascara itself. Brush – silicone brush that will bend if you will be too hard on your lashes, which means the harder you try the more it will bend –I seriously don’t mind it doing it. The end of the brush has rounded end with needles that will help you maintain the shortest lashes in the inner corner of your eye – found it hard to use because there is always loads of the mascara on the brush which makes the mess while using that end of the brush, to be very fair – I don’t like it. Colour is really black which is always good.

before applying mascara.

How easy it is to use – very easy, but the longer you try to use it the harder you will find it to apply, this mascara tends to dry very fast and when it dries the application on your lashes is very had because it simply works like a bubble gum or silicone, you can feel it starches on your lashes etc.
Does it do what it says – here is the thing, I have naturally very long lashes so this question is hard for me to use but what I have noticed, they are slightly longer and this mascara builds up the length of your lashes, I can’t tell if my lashes looks more curly or not, but there is not thing that I love about this mascara – it really does separate your lashes, every single one of my lashes is covered in mascara and separated. I would say it is because of the mascara but also because of the way I am applying this mascara.
How long does it lasts – mascara lasts all day and night on your lashes and – which is a slight minus – is hard to remove from your lashes, I use Neutrogena face wash with grapefruit to remove it because it is the fastest and easiest way, I tried good make up removing products they struggle with this one, it is like removing glue from your lashes or some kind of gum. In terms of the packaging I think if I would use it every day it would probably last me 3 month tops.

after applying benefit mascara

What I don’t like about this mascara is the fact that the brush is literally covered in that mascara which I have to remove before applying it onto my lashes which obviously makes the packaging dirty etc  etc. other thing is that it dries out faster than everything else.
Would I buy it – here is the think; I am using this product only during weekends because I’m trying to finish my Loreal million lashes mascara before the best before date. All I can say is that I will not be in the rush to buy it again but I will be defo buying it again at some point

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