Wednesday 4 July 2012

L’oreal super serum youth code.

Again received this sample from l’oreal. Came to me in 4 small sized samples – wow, I usually get
max 2 samples wich I think is a rich thing to send as you can’t really see the difference as sometimes
you need some time to actually see any difference.

1 consstency – product is not watery not too hard to apply – it is just right perfect “middle” balance
of consistency. It is with this shimmering pearly colour and is very easy to apply – one pump can
cover your whole face!

Only small “but”, you have to be quite quick with this application as it likes to dry fast leaving your
skin with those white unapplicable bits on your skin that doesn’t look sexy at all. Also I recommend
to not touch your skin after application, it likes to “peel” (?) of the skin, I mean those white bits again
like tiny rolls of a product etc.

2. result/visibility – I saw a huge difference with first application. Applied this before I went to
bed, woke up done my morning face cleaning routine and...couldn;t believe my face was SOOO
SMOOTH!! Amazing!! I’m only 26year old, don’t have any visible wrinkles (I think or I whish ;))this
product doesn;t remove your wrinkles it just smoothens your skin so it is really nice when applying
makeup etc. I recommend you to go and buy it as it is really worth the money. Managed to buy it for
£6 which is not a lot.

The only warning is to not apply it around the eye area, in my case it just irritates my eyes to the
point that they are full of tears for the rest of the day and my eyesight is not like is should be ;/ so
avoid your eyes ladies! Other than that I won’t me completely!!

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