Wednesday 30 May 2012

Philip B, drop dead straightening balm.

As I have mentioned before I am a total hair car product junkie! Because I have dyed hair myself I need to use special care products in order to make them look healthy and shiny. This time another product that was featured in glossy box was straightening balm by Philip B.

It looks like it is gel but don’t be fooled by it look, to me it was more like a waterish consistence if that makes any sense! I tried only a tiny bit a bit more than a drop is more than enough, I have long hair but more like a baby hair hance the amount.

This is non sticky product so hair won’t look heavy or not fresh if you will use too much which is an instant plus from me, also it doesn’t have any smell, another plus as some of the hair care products smell too intense!

You supposed to apply it from the roots to tips and then dry blow hair styling them as usual. Very important: always blow dry your hair after using this product because if you won’t do it your hair will look not really fresh after few hours!

After application hair really does look more shiny, straight and they are more soft – I will probably but it after I will run out of this sample.
Here is more why you should blow dry your hair after using this product, here is what I did. I dried my hair in my towel and applied this product as it was said on the package from roots to tips and then I went to bed next day it was a nightmare, and because I work as a professionalist  I was nearly crying but thank god for dry shampoo!
Like I have mentioned before I would deffinately recommend this product, your hair will get more straight and soft sfter using it but do it accordingly to the description of how to use it!

Citrus Scent, MONU body lotion and H&M rising sun perfumes.

Citrus Scent, MONU body lotion and H&M rising sun perfumes.

Since I remember I was a big fan of all things citrusy, if there is something that smells like lemon I love it instantly, I know – weird. This time it wasn’t any different. Before I received this box I went to H&M to finally convince myself that it might be the clothing shop for me, well I was wrong again but on my way out from the shop I spotted this parfumes! Tried them and loved them instantly, and when I saw the price there was no way turning back! Only £3.99!! that is was I call a good bargain, and the bottle is 50ml – winner!

Week later glossy box came, first things that I have checked was the smell of MONU <3 yup, fell in love with the smell as well : )

Both product match each other perfectly! Same smell scent just perfect.
MONU’s consistency is not liquidy at all but the product is very efficient – just a few drops and you can cover big chunk of your body which is always good – we love it!

Now, afet first use skin really does become more silky soft and elastic, I used it in evening and thank god I did that because later when I used it during the day it was a massive failure. Don’t know if it was because of the hot weather, but the skin all over my body where I have applied it was covered in oil! It was truly gross feeling and after 1 hour I had to take shower again, now I’m struggling to convince myself to use it again. As it says on glossy box ticked and product description itself – it is packed with vitamins such as A, B and B5 for every skin type.

Organic eyeliner INIKA – Sapphire.

Organic eyeliner INIKA – Sapphire.

Yesterday I finally had a chance to use this eyeliner that was featured in April’s glossy box. I was 100% sure that this is a black eyeliner as I didn’t properly ready the colour description on it so you can imagine my face when I used it to finalise my make up :O. I was simply very happy with the colour, my eyes are blue – green, well according to my boyfriend they are changing colour, I don’t even know if it is possible but ok haha. So they eyeliner looks like that:

It came in its own package which is always a good thing, it makes it look more expensive and special.

The eyeliner itself is very soft so it it very easy to apply it however, when it comes to drawning precision lines it fails from one very simple reason – you need to make sure it has been sharpened before use otherwise you will draw a bold line which may not look as what you have planned first.

Exact colour sapphire

Eyeliner looks great it really exposed the colour of your eyes but the biggest minus of this product is it lasting time on eyelid – it is very easy to rub off, for example it was always getting into my mimic wrinkle under my eye if you know what I mean, on top of that is it expremely hard to remove it from eyes, I have tried everything, from special make up removals to soap nothing worked – you need to wash your face at last few times in space of the hours to make sure it is gone.

April's Glossy Box UK - organic theme, my first box

To be very honest, i have never heard before about Glossy Box up until I came across it in one of the blogs. My instant thought was I have to try it and here is the result. The box cost £10 +£2.50 p&p. You can subscribe for 1 month and cancel at any time, or choose 3 months then cancel, 6 months or 12months, during the last one you can cancel at any time!

Inside of the box you can finad a ticked with product description for the each product that your box is containing.

The whole cost of this box was way over £10 so it think it was worth to give it a try.

goodies YES!

I love every type of eveliner if it is a simple kohl or automatic one, i have more than 10 shades in my collection, so receiving this one was a jackpot!

 Very sceptical about this one as my skin is very oily, and this supposed to keep moisture in your skin before applying the moisturiser itself, well I will give it a go but again, not sure about it ;/

This one has an amazing citrus scent, will match perfectly my H&M perfumes as they smell very alike. Can’t wait to try this, even tho I have few other lotions to finish...ooops!

Lip and Body Balm, oh dear I hate peppermint and everything peppermintish in smell, it just makes me feel almost sick and all, small addition of tea tree didin;t help the smell...but...I have to admit that I have fallen in love with this mini tint, normally I’m not a fan of vintage etc but this one is already a winner.

My weakness, all hair care products! I have a light blond hair that I’m dying every few months. My hair are naturally straight but they get “marks” very easy if you know what I mean, I can’t wait to try this one.

Even the love of my life – HarryCat, was excited about glossy box.
Next time I will review every single one of these products so stay tuned!
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