Wednesday 30 May 2012

Citrus Scent, MONU body lotion and H&M rising sun perfumes.

Citrus Scent, MONU body lotion and H&M rising sun perfumes.

Since I remember I was a big fan of all things citrusy, if there is something that smells like lemon I love it instantly, I know – weird. This time it wasn’t any different. Before I received this box I went to H&M to finally convince myself that it might be the clothing shop for me, well I was wrong again but on my way out from the shop I spotted this parfumes! Tried them and loved them instantly, and when I saw the price there was no way turning back! Only £3.99!! that is was I call a good bargain, and the bottle is 50ml – winner!

Week later glossy box came, first things that I have checked was the smell of MONU <3 yup, fell in love with the smell as well : )

Both product match each other perfectly! Same smell scent just perfect.
MONU’s consistency is not liquidy at all but the product is very efficient – just a few drops and you can cover big chunk of your body which is always good – we love it!

Now, afet first use skin really does become more silky soft and elastic, I used it in evening and thank god I did that because later when I used it during the day it was a massive failure. Don’t know if it was because of the hot weather, but the skin all over my body where I have applied it was covered in oil! It was truly gross feeling and after 1 hour I had to take shower again, now I’m struggling to convince myself to use it again. As it says on glossy box ticked and product description itself – it is packed with vitamins such as A, B and B5 for every skin type.

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