Wednesday 30 May 2012

April's Glossy Box UK - organic theme, my first box

To be very honest, i have never heard before about Glossy Box up until I came across it in one of the blogs. My instant thought was I have to try it and here is the result. The box cost £10 +£2.50 p&p. You can subscribe for 1 month and cancel at any time, or choose 3 months then cancel, 6 months or 12months, during the last one you can cancel at any time!

Inside of the box you can finad a ticked with product description for the each product that your box is containing.

The whole cost of this box was way over £10 so it think it was worth to give it a try.

goodies YES!

I love every type of eveliner if it is a simple kohl or automatic one, i have more than 10 shades in my collection, so receiving this one was a jackpot!

 Very sceptical about this one as my skin is very oily, and this supposed to keep moisture in your skin before applying the moisturiser itself, well I will give it a go but again, not sure about it ;/

This one has an amazing citrus scent, will match perfectly my H&M perfumes as they smell very alike. Can’t wait to try this, even tho I have few other lotions to finish...ooops!

Lip and Body Balm, oh dear I hate peppermint and everything peppermintish in smell, it just makes me feel almost sick and all, small addition of tea tree didin;t help the smell...but...I have to admit that I have fallen in love with this mini tint, normally I’m not a fan of vintage etc but this one is already a winner.

My weakness, all hair care products! I have a light blond hair that I’m dying every few months. My hair are naturally straight but they get “marks” very easy if you know what I mean, I can’t wait to try this one.

Even the love of my life – HarryCat, was excited about glossy box.
Next time I will review every single one of these products so stay tuned!

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